Uncategorized Oct 01, 2018

One of the most important assessment tests you can do for PHPs is NOT touch the PF!


You’ve heard the term ‘Kinetic Chain’ haven’t you?

Well, the myofascia plays a crucial role in transmitting forces and feedback up and down the ‘kinetic chain’.

A specific ‘anatomy train’ connects the plantar fascia to the skull via the calf, hamstrings and spinal structures.

It's been demonstrated that PHP (the effect) can result from fascial compensations higher up this kinetic chain (the cause).
Today's blog will dive into the trial treatment you can do RIGHT NOW to test if your patient's PHP is coming from a cause higher up the kinetic chain.

This will assist you in determining what your treatment needs to focus on (and ~50% of the time it won't be the Plantar Fascia!).

Grab your TAM Scan FREEBIE Right Here so you can scan your PHP patients now!


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